Frequently Asked Questions

I get these questions a lot. Here are my best answers...

You don't have experience in my industry.

True, however I coach the business owner not the industry.

My business is too small for coaching.

I understand my ideal client is a sole trader.

I don't like uncomfortable questions!

I use questions tailored to suit you.

How long are the coaching sessions?

Ccaching sessions varies from client to client. For instance, some clients like 15 minutes, some 30 minutes, others 60 minutes and some 2 hours.

I don't want to tie myself into a contract.

You and I will construct a coaching agreement. So we both understand each other.

Is there a structure to the coaching sessions?

Yes, I use the Grow Coaching Model. T stands for theme or topic. G stands for goal. R stands for realistic. O stands for options. W stands for wrap up.